Alex Rodriguez's Relationship with Yankees Replicates His Marriage
11.27.2007 10:12 | DISPATCHES
The foundation for Alex Rodriguez's new contract was poured two weeks ago -- 10 years at $275 million. As if that weren't already enough to start his own nation (the Republic of Rodriguez? A-Rodriana?), on Sunday the infrastructure for his five $6 million bonuses was erected.
While the nature of the incentives wasn't divulged, it's believed they'd kick in when he ties each of the five players ahead of him on the all-time home run list -- Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds –- and passes the last.
A few weeks ago, Sports Illustrated's Lee Jenkins wrote: "Rodriguez tried to sum up the tenor of negotiations, which sound more like ongoing couples therapy: 'During these healthy discussions, both sides were able to share honest feelings and hopes with one another.'" A-Rod, despite his macho name, is baseball's Sensitive Boy. But the words in the statement Jenkins quoted might have been put in his mouth by who the New York Post describes as his "long-suffering wife," Cynthia. Since she not only has a degree in psychology and experience teaching the subject, she probably insisted on couples therapy after his marital infidelity -- not to mention his well-documented general sexaholism based in the strip club culture. Since then, the American League M.V.P. turned his back on the Yankees in search of a team that would sign him to an even more astronomical contract. Come to think of it, for Rodriguez, testing the waters of the free agent market was like playing the field while he was married. But financier Warren Buffett stepped to the fore and played the same (not to mention surprising) role with his baseball career as a therapist no doubt did for his marriage. Like he renounced his girlfriend for his wife, Rodriguez returned to the Yankees. Apparently he realized that, in the long run, unbridled greed and rampaging lust weren't in his best interest as a baseball icon in the making.Just like his wife is expecting their second child, maybe A-Rod and the Yankees can make a championship together.