Mud People Beware: Virginal Hate-Mongers on the Loose
10.25.2005 09:31 | DISPATCHES
From an October 20 article on the ABC News Web site, "Young Singers Spread Racist Hate":
"Thirteen-year-old twins Lamb and Lynx Gaede have one album out, another on the way, a music video, and lots of fans. They may remind you another famous pair of singers, the Olsen Twins, and the girls say they like that. But unlike the Olsens. . . Lamb and Lynx are. . . white nationalists and use their talents to preach a message of hate."
Even more disturbing than their message, which is, of necessity, confined to a small audience, is how their mother, April Gaede, who home-schooled them, gave her blue-eyed twins such seductive names. It's like, from the moment they were born, she planned to put them to profitable use luring and snaring pedophiles.
When they turned out blond and pretty, her master plan for the master race worked to perfection. By definition emotionally immature, young Aryan Nation men sort themselves out into two camps: misogynists and pedophiles.
Those who follow the low(er) road are primed to spend their money on Prussian Blue, as the Gaedes call themselves. Savvy woman, that April. It might also be part of her master plan to one day seek a wider audience by having her children repent of their hateful ways, find God, and become as angelic as their appearance.
Meanwhile, lest we harm a thirteen-year-old's fragile self-esteem, we must allow Lynx to, like, express her feelings. Said the latter:
"We don't want to be, you know, just a big muddle."