Where There's Smoke, There's. . . Water?
09.14.2005 10:21 | DISPATCHES
From the Dossier of an Ex-Patriot.
In response to a request for confirmation from Representative John Conyers that Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco had followed procedure, lawyers of the American Law Division of the Congressional Service did some research.
They found that, "Governor Kathleen Blanco requested, by letter dated August 27, 2005 [the day before Katrina made landfall] to the President of the United States, through the Regional Director of FEMA, Region VI, that the President declare an emergency for the state of Louisiana, due to Hurricane Katrina."
Furthermore, "Governor Blanco in response to the situation had taken appropriate action under State law and directed the execution of the State Emergency Plan on August 26, 2005." In fact, she stated that "the incident is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and affected local government and that supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives. . ." As well, "She provided preliminary estimates of the type and amount of emergency assistance needed."
So much for outsourcing the blame, Rove and company.